Homeless & Happy: Saying Goodbye

Hey guys! Mollie here, and that's right, we're officially homeless. Here's the story... just a few short months ago I woke up one Sunday morning with a floor plan in my head. As a designer I often wake up with ideas, but having the layout and elements of an entire home design was certainly a first. I spent every free moment that day drawing out the ideas in my mind. Eventually my husband asked what I was up to. I informed him that I was drawing out our future home plans. He just laughed.Later that evening, I showed him the plans and he thought they were pretty cool. Cool enough that a few days later (after I'd kind of forgotten the thing) he suggested that we talk to our architect friend to find out the square footage of the plan to see if it may be feasible for a future home. As it turned out, it was right in the range we wanted it to be. That was good news for the future. We didn't have plans to build anytime soon, but figured we would eventually so it was good to have this info. But then, just a day or so later, another friend of ours (who's an expert real estate guru) had posted on our neighborhood facebook page about homes in our area just flying off the market. Just for fun we thought we'd have him tell us what we could list our home for. We liked what he had to say... so just a week after that we had our home on the market. I figured it would take some time so I didn't even worry about the fact that we'd just made a very significant decision in a very short amount of time. But when I look back on it now and think of how much of a blur it all was, I realize we really just closed our eyes and jumped.5 days later and after a bidding war, our home was under contract. Now, don't be thinking this whole process was smooth sailing. Things were going along great-- the appraisal came in at the buyers offer price (which was above asking price), and I was selling all the furniture in our house so we wouldn't have to move it (like our dining table, barstools, sectional, etc) when suddenly, at the very last moment the buyers decided they didn't want to pay what they have offered! Ha. Apparently, they thought the appraisal would come back lower and they could get it for less (yes, this was crappy for us and super annoying!). Okay, so they backed out, but thankfully the other people who had been in the bidding war against them, still wanted the house. So we sold it to them 3 hours later. Crazy. We had to live for about a month with nothing to sit on, eat at or watch TV on. First world problems, I tell you. And just this past weekend we moved to about 500 square feet of space in my in-laws basement and this will be home sweet home for the next 6-9 months as we go through the construction process.I've been thinking a lot about how all this happened in a matter of a couple months & I've realized that my husband really trusts me a lot. He's been a big driving force in making this all happen & I'm so grateful that he believes in my wild ideas & home plans that come in dreams. He's either crazy or just plain awesome. Probably both.Well, as you can imagine, amidst all this craziness of designing a home, selling a home, packing up a home and moving, I've been having a hard time saying goodbye to our house that we built from the ground up, 5 years ago so I'll give you a final little photo tour of some spaces that I may or may not have previously shared. It was a great house & I will miss it. And on a more positive note, I can't wait to build the new house. I've got a whole lot of fresh ideas that I can't wait to make happen. There's nothing like taking an idea & making it reality. Make sure to follow along on our instagram (@designlovesdetail) to see all the decisions we'll make along the way. I've got some great resources to share too, so this should be fun!MollieSignature


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