DIY with DLD: Pallet Garden

Does anyone else besides me LOVE, I mean like really love gardening? I find it to be so relaxing. I find myself forgetting about all the stresses in life, tuning out (with some great tunes, of course) and getting caught up in the beauty of my garden subject. This past weekend, I spent my days working on my favorite hobby. With the help of my handsome man, we put together our first little herb garden. I am all about being self sufficient and saving money these day and with my own little herb garden, I am able to achieve both. I get an organic garden for half the cost of what I would spend weekly at the grocery store, buying each of these fresh produce items.


  • Large wooden palate
  • Potting Soil
  • Various Herbs
  • Tin planters
  • 'S' hooks
  • Wood stain
  • River rock
  • Paint Brush

I've had an old pallet lying around in the garage for about 4 months now, just waiting for my creativity to spark and find it's purpose in my home. Insert garden here! I knew I wanted a herb garden and had seen a few ideas but nothing that really looked great and also didn't require a ton of potting soil, which would make the already heavy pallet impossible to move, if needed. So without further ado.....

TO GET STARTED.....................

  • I started out by staining the pallet with some walnut wood stain. I wanted a richer look than the bare pallet provided. This step is not necessary.

  • I chose a copper bucket to house my herbs in but you can choose any container that you would like. Just be sure that you are able to drill into the pot. (terracotta or clay will not work)
  • Your pot will need to have proper drainage so if your chosen pot does not have holes, you will need to drill out 2-3 holes like pictured below.

  • You will also need to drill a hole in what will be the back of the pot. The pot will hang from this hole so be sure that you leave ample room from the rim of the pot, so if the pot is heavy and sags, it doesn't rip through.

  • Next step is to place a thin layer of river rock into the bottom of your container. This will help keep the soil from falling out of the bottom.

  • Now is time to filler' up. Only fill the container 1/2 way up with gardening soil.

  • Remove your herbs from the plastic.
  • Break up the bottom of the roots by pinching and loosing the dirt. This will help the plant by starting new root growth.

  • Fill the container the rest of the way full of soil and gently pat around the base of the plant.

  • You're almost there!

  • Place the 'S' hook through the hole that you made, at the back of the container.

  • It's now time to hang your containers onto the pallet.

  • Voila! Isn't she a beaut!?


Pallet: Gifted to me

Copper Pots: Dollar TreeHerbs: Okubos Greenhosue'S' Hooks: Home Depot


Product Feature + Giveaway: Little Green Pouch


DLD Recipe: Holy Guacamole!