Salt Dough Ornaments: DIY with DLD

 This week we are gearing up for Valentines Day as it quickly approaches. We have some amazing ideas in store so you won't want to miss!
Most people think that ornaments are just for Christmas. Not in this household! We LOVE ornaments for any occasion! Later this week we will show you how we tweaked our Christmas Front Door Decor and made it fit perfectly for our Valentines Day tree. For now, a fun little tutorial on how to make affordable decor for Valentines Day using items you have in your kitchen pantry. The kids will love participating in this easy peasy DIY as well!
Salt Dough Valentines Day Heart Ornaments by Design Loves Detail 07


  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of table salt
  • 2 cups of flour
  • Ribbon or Baker’s Twine
  • Modge Podge
  • Glitter

DLDstepsSalt Dough Valentines Day Heart Ornaments by Design Loves Detail 02Salt Dough Valentines Day Heart Ornaments by Design Loves Detail 031. In a large bowl, mix together salt and flour until combined.2. Add water and mix until clumps form.3. Gather the dough together and knead for 7-10 or until you've reached a smooth consistency.4. Roll out the dough to desired thickness and cut out heart shapes.5. Place hearts onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.6. Bake at 205 degrees for 1 hour, flipping the hearts over after 1/2 hour.Salt Dough Valentines Day Heart Ornaments by Design Loves Detail 057. Remove from the oven and let cool. Once completely cooled. Some of the edges may not be smooth, so I took a light grit sandpaper (you could use a nail file) and smoothed the edges a bit. Now, it's now time to paint.8. Once the paint has dried completely, paint a thick layer of modge podge and lightly dust with glitter.9. Finish off with twine hooks for hanging.Salt Dough Valentines Day Heart Ornaments by Design Loves Detail 01Be sure to check back tomorrow to see how we incorporated these little darlings into our Valentines Day decor!AmandaSignature


Front Door Decor: "I Mustache You to be Mine"


Happy Birthday Winnie the Pooh Jan. 18th