Project Organization: Closet Clutter Clean-up

Well, here's the scoop... today has kicked my butt! Plain & simple. I am not finished with my master bedroom closet organization as I had planned to be, but sometime life gets crazy and you just have to roll with the punches. I won't bore you with the long list of crazy/crappy things that happened today, but I will share a few of the things I did accomplish in hopes that they may be useful tips for organizing your own space.

Ok, so let's start with FACT #1... my closet is almost always a disaster. I realized this is the case because it is poorly organized. I actually have plenty of space, but have never taken the time to de-clutter & space plan (actually think about how I use things & how they could be best organized for day-to-day use). This brings us to FACT #2... my closet is full of under utilized space! One of the most important things I've learned so far about organization, is that it's important to study the space you're working with before you do anything. This is actually against my nature-- I typically am a do-er, not a planner. My husband is a planner, not me. I just hammer the nail into the wall 5 times instead of measuring it out & getting it right the first time. Yeah, you've heard of the "measure twice cut once" thing, right? I usually just cut ten times just to avoid having to measure, but seriously in this case, it's so worth thinking the space out & seeing where you can utilize space that's there & neglected. As you'll see above, I had this random wall that works great for hanging necklaces-- they're easy to see, reach & put back where they belong (some major keys to successful organization!).

As you'll notice in the close-up shot above, I used the small-sized, clear removable Command Strip Hooks. They work great & no nail holes (which is a home run for me!).

Another place I started making some progress was with my shoes. I decided to separate the casual "throw-on shoes" from the fancier "night out" shoes. Using bins for my sandals & flats was the best option, because they're quick to get to & not a lot of fuss to put away, just toss back in the appropriate bin! I used chalkboard signs to label them because 1. I can change them if I ever need or want to and 2. they're just plain cute! I attached magnets on the back of the little chalkboards & put another magnet on the other side of the bin to hold it in place. I also think that making things look "cute" or "fun" makes it more enjoyable to keep up with the organizing as time goes on. I mean who doesn't want their closet to look like a well-organized department store, right?!

A couple projects still underway are the organizing of bracelets, rings & earrings as well as handbags. Thanks to Pinterest, I found a use for the cute shower hooks that had been lying around unused-- great for hanging purses from your closet rod-- sweet! I will have to add more completed projects as I go. This closet may kill me, but dang it's gonna be worth it in the end! This preggie lady needs a break...


Brickyard Buffalo: spread some love with valentines cards!


Boxed In: Organization DIY