European Farmhouse Laundry Room

You may have caught a little glimpse of this amazing laundry room the other day from the kitchen I shared! This is the beautiful custom home of Lance & Arianne Morgan! And just like in the kitchen, Deco Design did an amazing job crafting their dream space! There's so much genius function packed into this room-- drying racks, double washer & dryer, a center island for folding clothes & storing laundry baskets underneath too, plus tons of cabinetry to tuck things away! In case you missed the details I shared previously about the unique features of this home, here's what Arianne had to say about what influenced this space: "My relationship with my grandmother was a huge inspiration. Her favorite color is blue and she raised chickens. So my laundry room represents that and all my memories as a child going to the chicken coop with her." This space stands as such a beautiful tribute to her grandmother-- a daily reminder of those special memories.


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photos taken by Kristina Bills


Serena & Lily Faves!


European Farmhouse Kitchen