Easter Basket Alternatives

Good Morning! As we near closer and closer to Easter Sunday, the stress of  "what to buy" grows stronger by the minute. Well, don't fret my friends! Today we share with you some simple, fun and unique ideas for those Easter basket dilemmas.If you know me, then you know that a store-bought wicker basket filled with useless toys and junk is not my forte. Everything I do needs to have a cohesive feel and usually tends to be based around a theme or  inspirational object and if you've received a gift from me, you know that my presentation is always top notch (not to toot my own horn). Presentation is key in giving memorable gifts that will have your friends/family "ooing and awing".Lets start off by showing you some ideas that I've put together for a little boy. Boys can be hard. I did not grow up with boys around my house so trying to find inspiration that sparks creativity and fun was a little more challenging for me. Luckily, I'm pretty resourceful and was able to find some darling stuff.   I sourced all of my products at two of my favorite stores; Dollar Tree and Target.THE BOY......................

  • Kites
  • Silly putty
  • Sour Worms
  • Sticky tumbler octopus
  • Meteor Ball
  • Dinosaur Hat

For the boys basket, I chose to go with a cohesive color scheme of blue and green. I also choose toys that were easy to play with both outdoors and indoors. Instead of using a basket, I went with a blue organization tub that could be reused to hold beach toys or double as a waste basket.To achieve a textured and full presentation, I filled the tub with crinkle paper on which I layered the toys. When building the "basket" you want to ensure that there are different heights and movement happening throughout the basket. Remember, it's all about presentation!The Girl......................

  • 3 Chalk Holder
  • Mini Shovel
  • Mini Rake
  • Slinky
  • Mini Watering Pail
  • Apron
  • 3 Easter Eggs
  • Sunglasses
  • 2 Paper Butterflies

For the little girls, I wanted to build around an outdoor theme. I used a beverage container as my basket and layered chalk as the background to frame my watering can and garden tools. And what basket would be complete without some polka dot eggs filled Cadbury chocolates? I added the butterflies as a last minute touch, hoping to entice Spring-like weather.  Also remembered to keep with the chosen color palate of pastel pinks, green, yellow and blue. A pleasing palate will mesh better with the overall design and be more cohesive.The Mom.............................

  • Watering Can
  • Shears
  • Kneeling Pad
  • Flip-flops
  • Flower Seeds
  • Gloves
  • Twine

Too often, mothers are left out of the Easter fun. I decided that I wanted to honor my mom this Easter by giving her some treats that were sure to bring a smile to her face. Much like myself, my mom has a true green thumb and is constantly adding, subtracting and pruning in her garden, so naturally I choose a garden theme for her basket. I filled a terracotta planter with brown crinkle paper to simulate dirt and built upon that by placing my kneeling pad as  the tallest point and trickling the rest of the goodies down from there. Another great tip to remember is that not all of your contents have to actually be tucked tightly into the basket. As I have shown below with my gardening gloves, you can add visual interest by spilling your items out of the container and giving the gift a relaxed and casual feel.All products sourced at Dollar Tree or Target! How's that for a penny saver!?


Easter Brunch Inspiration: The Decor


Free Easter Printables: Bunnylicious