Dreams for a New Year: 2013

Since tomorrow begins a fresh new year, we thought it only proper to dream a little of things to come. I love the new year; I love that it's a time of reflection and a time to start fresh. I love that the possibilities seem endless and that you get a whole 365 days to make those possibilities into reality as part of your "New Year Resolutions." So today we bring you some of our Resolutions for 2013-- some for our personal lives and some for this blog. We'd also love to hear some of yours, so do share & let's make these things happen!Mollie:

  • Read a book. Yes, it's that simple, it's been way too long since I've read a real book.
  • Organize! Declutter, destash & designate a space for everything. I'll share some tips as I learn how to make this happen in my home. Better roll up my sleeves & get to work!
  • Finish the projects. Yep, my garage is full of them-- little treasures just waiting to be made into the visions I have for them. There are hundreds, this will be quite a task.
  • Teach my children. With my 2nd baby due to arrive Feb. 2013, I think things may get a little crazy. I want to make sure to take the time to teach them something new everyday.
  • Flirt with my man. Silly, perhaps. And I think I already do this most of the time, but I remember reading somewhere that you should flirt with your husband everyday-- I like the idea and this one shouldn't be too hard!


  • Organization. A place for everything and everything in it's place. Color coding, spacial planning and using clever organizational tips and tricks.
  • Learn. Knowledge is power and I need to be invincible. OK well maybe not invincible but definitely stronger. I'll be taking steps to improve the "business" end of my business as well as learning new floral techniques.
  • Be nicer. Plain and simple. I'll strive to be a nicer person and build better relationships. Both with people I already know and new acquaintances.
  • Travel. I am young with no children, why am I not backpacking through Europe and making bad spur-of-the-moment decisions?


  • More unique DIY projects. We've got lots of ideas up our sleeves and we're ready to translate them into reality in 2013! (we also love your input, so let us know what kind of DIY tutorials you'd like to see.)
  • More detail insight. We're always working to bring you the most fun & fresh ideas. We'll be even more dedicated to hooking you up with great ideas for your events in 2013-- be it birthday party, holiday event, wedding, etc.
  • Build our readership. We've had great results & feedback so far (thanks to all you lovely people) and aim to spread the word more this coming year!
  • Giveaways! We love giveaways if you couldn't tell by now. We're bringing you even more of them in 2013, so be excited.
  • Enjoy the ride. We want to make sure that we (and you) enjoy this blogging journey since afterall, it was created out of sheer love for design & details!

We hope you've enjoyed this look at our goals & dreams for the future-- both personal & blog-related. May this new year bring you hope, excitement and all sorts of bliss. Happy 2013!


French Country Wedding: Melanie & Roman


Out with the Old, In with the New: Trends for 2013