DIY Project: Burlap Christmas Banner

 It's Christmas Eve! We hope you have plans for a lovely day and that your stockings are hung with care. Today we're featuring a lovely & simple DIY project by our friend Angie of Sweet Memory Garden Photography. Thought you'd like to see more of her fabulousness after we featured her Bohemian Chic Birthday Party. Part of the beauty of this project is how diverse its uses can be. You can use any paint colors/stencils & create a banner for any event-- plus it's affordable & easy! Enjoy...
  • burlap
  • twine
  • paint
  • stencil
  • paint roller
  • scissors
  • sewing machine
step 1: cut out triangles out of burlap. I cut these at 12.5” x 8.5”
step 2:  fold over the top flap, about an 1” thick
step 3:  zip zag a stitch on flap
step 4:  cut edge of flap that sticks out from fold
step 5:  with a sponge roller paint the burlap triangle white, letting some of the original burlap color come through
step 6:  using the stencil, sponge the darker color paint for the letters
step 7:  feed the twine through the triangles for final result



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