Valentines Day Vices: Delectable Treats

I'm a "Ding-Dong" for love.

I found this charming recipe on one of my favorite sites.....drum-roll, please. Pinterest. Shocking, right? Ok so I guess I am not the only sucker who gets pulled into the many pages of visual yumminess. I'm only one in about um.... billions! Any-who, the original recipe is a vegan version (I am anything but, as I couldn't ever live without bacon. Its a personal vise of mine). Me, being me, decided to mix it up and put my own twist on it. I am all about making things easy, fast and relatable. Insert new recipe here.Ingredients for cake:

  • 1 box Betty Crocker chocolate cake mix (that Betty knows her stuff)

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 1 brick cream cheese softened
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar

Ingredients for hard shell:

  • 1 cup white chocolate melts
  • 1/8 c. coconut oil
  • 1 tbs agave nectar (optional)
  • 3 drops red food coloring

Step 1: Start by baking your cake, using the instructions on the box. Once the cake is done and cooled for 10 minutes, use your cookie cutter to cut out the circular shapes.

**NOTE: Be sure that you use a cookie cutter that is deep, so youre able cut all the way trough the cake to the bottom.

Step 2: Place the cut out circles on a wax paper and place into the freezer. You want to do this step to ensure that your cake doesn't fall apart while dipping into the chocolate.

Step 4: While waiting for the cake to cool, start on your filling. Combine cream cheese and powdered sugar into a blow. Belnd until smooth

Step 5: Remove your cooled cake from the freezer.Step 6: With your piping bag, pierce the top of the cake with bags tip and fill the centers with the filling mixture.

**NOTE: You don't have to use a piping bag. I used a syringe I had lying around the house. Also be sure not to overfill the centers or your filling will ooze out everywhere.Step 7: Now its time to prepare the ganache layers. Start by melting your chocolate in a double-broiler. Once the chocolate has melted and there are no remaining lumps, add the food coloring until you receive the desired shade.

**NOTE: If you dont have a double-broiler, you can use a pot filled with water and place a metal bowl on top of the water.Step 8: Dip the cake into the melted chocolate, covering all sides. Once all sides are covered place the cake onto wax paper to cool. It may take a couple dips to cover completely.

**NOTE: This is a very messy process!! You'll also see that the picture below is not white chocolate. I burnt my chocolate and had to recover the cake in milk chocolate. Plus I liked the look of the dark chocolate because its more representative of a true ding-dong.Step 9: Place the dipped cakes into the freezer to harden for about 10 minutes.

Viola! Homemade Ding-Dongs!!These super adorable treats would also be perfect for classroom Valentines Day treats. A nice change of pace from the standard card Valentine.

Simply add the Ding-Dongs to a clear plastic bag with some confetti and adorn with a custom-made tags. TOO CUTE!!


I'm a Sucker for You: Valentines Day printables project


Valentines DIY Project: Canvas Art