Updates & honesty

It's definitely summer. We're both swamped with weddings... along with about a gazillion other things as you likely are too. You may have noticed that our posting has been a bit less frequent lately. Running a blog is hard work! We're reaching around 8,000 new readers each month, which is pretty great since we haven't done any real advertising for this blog. It's fun to see stats like that, but not as fun when we aren't getting much feedback from readers. If you've ever felt unsupported in anything you know that it sucks. We've wanted to bring fresh new, "Pinterest-worthy" ideas to the world and when the world seems to love the ideas, but doesn't give us feedback, it's a bit disheartening. For those of you who HAVE been supportive and have left feedback or simply emailed to say you love an idea and appreciate it, THANK YOU from our design-loving hearts. We'd love to hear from more of you. It's what helps us move forward. In this world we're unfortunately all seeking some kind of approval & validation from our peers. It's one of those things you wish didn't matter, but does. We want to know that something we're doing is actually helpful for you. We love to design & create, but what's the point of sharing it, if it's not helping someone else do the same. We're obviously getting our own satisfaction from the projects we create, but it feels a little pointless to blog them if no one cares, right? It's just been quite a struggle to make ourselves push forward when we don't know if our ideas are making a difference. Basically we want to know what you think. If there is a project you'd like to see, TELL US! If there's something you think is cool, TELL US. If there's something you have a question on, ASK US. It's just exhausting sometimes to pour your heart & soul into something that seems a little fruitless at times. And for as many new readers as we have each month, it just seems that maybe there's something amiss when we're not getting much feedback from comments and so forth. We're putting this out there so you know how we feel and that we need YOU and your comments to help us improve our blog & feel driven to keep up all the work it takes to maintain a blog. So if you love DLD, have suggestions for DLD or just happen to be an occasional reader, give us a shout out so we don't feel so alone in this blogging universe...Much Love,


National Sunglass Day: Our favorites


Freshen up your Porch for Summer!