Stars & Stripes

Hooray! It's the 4th of July. I love to celebrate our country & all the good things we have on this lovely day. It's a great day to spend with family and/or friends and it's also a day filled with nostalgic memories too. Fireworks as a kid are some kind of magical thing that make for an enchanted evening. Even now I feel so much anticipation for those bright, colorful explosions in the sky. Hope you're all able to take a little break from the daily grind and find a little piece of the magic that's still out there. Sappy, yet true. Despite the sometimes trying and/or negative things in life, it's important to have hope for the future. Celebrate today & don't forget to count your blessings-- this beautiful country being one of them. Enjoy!


The Princess & The Frog-- An Enchanted Wedding Inspiration Shoot


Summer Salad: DLD Recipe