Published: Utah Wedding Magazine Features

So far 2013 has brought Mollie and I some great things! One of those many things is having the opportunity to be published in not one but three local wedding publications. As wedding professionals we make it one of our personal goals to have at least one publication a year. Print is the ultimate satisfaction that one can receive in the industry. It's a confirmation that you've made it, that you're being recognized for your hard work and sacrifices. Because believe me, in the wedding business, there are many sacrifices.Today we share with you a peek at each of our personal successes in print form. First up, our Nautical Feature in Utah Bride and Groom Magazine. This baby is loaded with inspiration including our 6 page feature!

Next we each have individual company features in Salt Lake/Park City Bride and Groom Magazine.

And last but not least, a collaborative shoot with Michelle of Utah Events by Design in Utah Valley Bride Magazine. Michelle brought us on board to help with her version of a nautical influenced event set with a backdrop of Utah Lake. Mollie and I were careful to bring fresh & unique ideas to this shoot, as we wanted to make sure that it wasn't too much like our own nautical shoot from earlier that year. Mission accomplished! Click here to check it out!To see details of all the juicy goodness, be sure to pick up a copy of all these publications. You'll be glad you did!


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Behind the Details: Getting to Know the Designers, Part II