Project Organization: Pantry Perfection

Good Morning all!! We are starting off this week with some great tips for organization, in our new segment called "Project Organization". As you may recall, Mollie and I have both made new years resolutions to become more organized. To start on this never ending journey, I set out to turn my kitchen pantry from dingy and disorganized, to fresh and perfectly fitted.

As much as I would love for my pantry to look like the pages of a Martha Stewart magazine, for my family, it is just not practical. Too many things and not enough places. Not only that, but organization can be both expensive and time consuming. While I could have spent well over my allotted budget of $100 on containers, I chose to keep it simple and researched my options so I was careful not to beak the bank.

First stop on my journey was Ikea. I was in search of their clear containers that I knew were a perfect fit for my space. I chose a variety of shapes that were the right size for their intended uses. Next, I ventured to one of my favorite spots, Dollar Tree. It's easy on the budget and they have a great selection. Here I picked up smaller plastic containers and baskets with convenient handles. I didn't love the color but I intend to paint them to fit my taste. For now they will do.


  • Designate space. In my pantry, I've designated selves for a certain needs. There are as follows:
    • Party dishes and cookware that is rarely used
    • Baking goods and cooking liquids
    • Spices and snacks
    • Dried goods and Misc goodies
    • Small appliances, paper goods and large containers
  • Label. Ensure that you label all of your contents. Too many times baking soda is mistaken for baking powder and powdered sugar for flower. I used adorable coordinating labels found here.
  • Paint. A fresh coat of paint extends to a fresh look. I chose to paint my back wall a different shade than the actual shelves. This creates a contrast and visual interest. I choose a fresh tone of mint green.
  • Measure. Before choosing containers, first measure the height and width of your selves to be sure the the ones you have  selected with fit in the space.
  • Color. For a clean and simplistic look, choose containers that are all the same color. I choose to use clear containers with white lids. I like the clean look of the white and the clear containers give you a look-see at the contents without any fuss.
  • Out of sight out of mind. I placed things like cookies and special treats in covered boxes  as a mental mind block. People are less likely to get into covered containers as opposed to open storage.

Do you have an organization project you would like to share? We would love to see it! We are accepting submission at organizing! 


Project Organization: Divine Drawers


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