Garden Pot Topiary: DIY with DLD

Who besides me wishes that they could have a perfectly manicured garden like the ones we all see on Pinterest? I would die to have a lush green lawn and overflowing abundance of flowers, but let's get real. Spring and Summer in the Schelin household are the busiest times of year and to be honest, my poor plants are luckily to even get a drink of water that doesn't come from the sprinklers. Frown. As I gander the for inspiration from those said landscapes, I always came across pictures of  over-sized garden pots. Garden pots add SO much to landscapes but the cost for even the just the pots themselves, can leave a big hole in your wallet. So after brainstorming a bit, I decided to put together a large sized garden pot on a shoe-string budget. Read on to see how you too can achieve the lush garden pot look for less.


  • Large outdoor pot
  • Medium outdoor pot
  • Gardening soil
  • Spray paint
  • Mini pine tree (or any tall plant)
  • Misc. plant and flowers
  • StyroFoam sheet

TO BEGIN..........................

  • Paint both pots the desired color you choose. I chose Blue Ocean by Krylon. This will take about 3 coats
  • Dump garden soil into about 1/3 of the medium sized pot.
  • Insert tree and fill the rest of the way up with soil.

  • Prep the large pot by placing a sheet of Styrofoam into the bottom. This is to take up space so that you won't need as much soil and makes it easier to move the pot.
  • Don't mind the dirt, I recycled the pot from last year.

  • Fill the large pot with remaining potting soil. You'll want to fill almost to the top.
  • Firmly pat the soil in the middle of the pot so it leaves a dip.
  • Water the soil so that it settles.
  • Place medium sized pot onto the top of the large pot.

  • Start planting your flowers.
  • Remember to loosen the roots of your flowers to promote new root growth.

  • Place your blooming beauty in a bare spot needing some much needed life and enjoy. Remember to water everyday if in full sun and every other day if in part shade.


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