Mollie's Home Tour: Nursery

As some of you may know, I just had baby #3. The third baby in 4 years and yes, I am now thinking holy crap, how did this happen?! Of course I know the answer, but seriously, things are crazy around here. Anyway, aside from sleepless nights and daily chaos, we got the nursery mostly in order for this babe before his arrival. We actually decided to be surprised this time around and opted not to find out the gender, which meant I needed to create a space that wasn't too girl or boy specific. The walls are a soft, bright minty shade and most of the accents are neutral too... cream, white, black, greys, a little yellow and blue-green hues too. I used a lot of the random leftovers from the rest of the house & 2 previous nurseries, but am pretty happy with how it turned out. I like the simple and subtle look it has. Anyone else do a gender neutral nursery? What colors did use?MollieSignature   


Mollie's Home Tour: Guest Bathroom


Mollie's Home Tour: Office/Sitting Room