DLD Cribs: Lovely in Lavender

The lovely Terra of Terra Cooper Photography adopted her beautiful baby, Alayna, earlier this year. Terra created this incredible french lavender nursery with shades of purples, white & grey for her precious new arrival. It's a regal suite for a darling little lady! And lucky little Alayna has such a talented mom, that she gets to have perfect portraits taken daily. We love the framed images of baby Alayna and can you believe that chandelier?? Posh & perfect! Also, make sure to check out this amazing adoption tribute that Terra put together & shared on her blog. Since I'm adopted, I definitely have a place in my heart for the sweet stories & feelings shared. In the meantime, enjoy this charming lavender nursery & happy Monday to you!

french lavender nursery

images by Terra Cooper Photography



FREE Christmas Printables of the Woodland Variety (of course!)


DLD Holiday Home Tours: Part 2