Christmas Home Tour!

It’s the most magical time of the year again! How’d this year fly by?? I can’t even wrap my mind around the fact that the holidays are here. It’s been so fun to decorate our home this year. I had plans to go ALLLL out since it’s our first year in our new home, but then I had so many things going on physically, mentally, emotionally, that I just thought, nope— I’m gonna keep it simple & pretty & manageable. I really feel good about this decision! It’s still Christmas-y and charming, but it’s not over the top. I went for some more rich tones this year with browns, deep red and forest green. I’ve always loved the way Home Alone has such traditional, classic Christmas vibes— have you ever realized the entire McAllister home is done in reds & greens? So cool! I wanted to bring a little of that childhood tradition into our home this year. I love the pop the red pomegranates add and the velvet ornaments on the tree. Definitely adore the plaids for pillows and some burnished metal accents too. We found a really awesome faux tree this year that I’m loving! We’d done a real one for so many years, I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this one, but I’m actually really happy with it! It looks quite real and was so easy to set up! More of my essentials are linked below for you to easily shop!


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Black Friday Deals!


Holiday Gifting Ideas!