Behind the Details: Getting to Know the Designers

Hello Lovely Readers-Its Amanda here! Today I'm bringing you the lowdown on Yours Truly. I'll share a peek into who I am as a person, designer and entrepreneur.I'm a self taught designer who is enthralled in every aspect of design. I started in the wedding industry five years ago after planning my own wedding. It wasn't until then, that I knew where my my heart lied. While most engaged folks I knew were stressing over and cursing the planning process, I was delighting in all the details and loving every moment of it. When planning, I looked at a million (no exaggeration) photos, searching for the perfect bouquet that I saw in my dreams. I never dreamed of the dress, the cake or how my hair would be styled. Nope, I dreamt flowers. I suppose this is because flowers have always been a large part of my life for as far as I can remember. When I was a child, I was lucky enough to spend my summers at my grandpa's house. Here, my sisters and I learned a plethora of knowledge about flowers and gardening. My grandpa groomed us to be perfectionists. We learned everything from cutting the lawn in straight line and the best way to plant tomatoes, to popping off the head of your flowers before planting to promote larger growth. I attribute my love for all things green to the most special man in my life, my grandpa.After my nuptials, I decided that I was going to try out my hand at wedding floral design. I started with doing flowers of friends and from there it quickly grew into a lucrative business. One name change and many late nights later, Branches Event Floral was born. In the beginning I endured some criticisms but I stayed strong and now my work has graced the likes of Style Me Pretty, Salt Lake/Park City Bride and Groom Magazine, along with other notable blogs and print material.I'm married to the most patient, caring and loving man I've ever met, Steven Chapman. Yes, Schelin in my last name and no, I didn't take my husbands last name. I'm one of those true feminists.  While I don't have any children, my dogs Zeus and Buster fill that void with their quirky and busy attitudes. I'm a lover of seafood, great shoes, Frank Sinatra and gardening.  I hate chocolate, the word elegant, arrogance and small minded people. Deep, I know.This is me.Photo courtesy of Azure B Photography


Behind the Details: Getting to Know the Designers, Part II


Seven Restaurants to Try in 2013: Guest Blogger